Selected through a competitive process with National Grid, ADI Energy performed the lighting survey, provided the retrofit solutions, then oversaw construction and commissioning. The Chariho Lighting project consists of lighting upgrades to the Ashaway, Charlestown, Hope Valley and Richmond Elementary Schools. This project was designed to provide energy efficiency and quality light for the students and staff and consisted of upgrading the interior fixtures with a cost-effective retrofit approach. LED lighting technology was utilized for the outdoor fixtures and provides a high quality of light and a long-life solution that virtually eliminates maintenance requirements for these new fixtures. This project will reduce the elementary schools’ carbon foot print by 1,024 metric tons of CO2 over the life of the equipment. According to the EPA Equivalencies Calculator, this carbon reduction equates to not consuming 115,224 gallons of gasoline or not driving a car over 2,438,095 miles over the life of the equipment. These schools have now exceeded the state’s goals of reducing energy consumption in municipal facilities by 20%.